Online Business from Scratch Podcast

Follow along as I build a new online business from scratch! I’ll be sharing all the steps I take and the reasons behind them as I work towards a full-time income as a worldschooling + homeschooling mum.

With 8+ years of purely online business experience behind me you can be sure I’m going to cut the clutter and get straight to the productive and profitable stuff, because who wants to work 30 hours a week if they don’t have to? I’ll be creating solid, helpful content that leads to digital products like online courses, with as much automation and passive income as I can.

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All Episodes

Binge time?

Beta testing my online course – ALL the details

Beta testing my online course – ALL the details

Now, this episode is a little different to normal - instead of giving an you overview of what I've been doing in my business over a couple of weeks, I'm digging RIGHT into one very big thing I did over a couple of months. Beta testing my new online course. When most...

I’m back! Here’s what I did on my ‘break’

I’m back! Here’s what I did on my ‘break’

So I said I was taking a 4 week break…4 months ago 😳 And while I seem to have disappeared, I've been doing a LOT behind the scenes - bundles, summits, AND beta-testing a new online course. Listen in for all the details! And subscribe with your favourite podcast app...

23 – Launch & promo results PLUS wrapping up

23 – Launch & promo results PLUS wrapping up

It was a big few weeks for me - I had a fair bit to do to catch up with this podcast and finish off a few other things before I start my job. So of course, I got sick 🤒 But I still managed to get the essentials done, including finishing the Beyond Productivity launch,...

I got a REAL job – why?

I got a REAL job – why?

This update is a little bit different to normal, because it's not really about business at all. It's about me taking a real, in-person, paid-by-the-hour nursing job. WHY? Why would I do such a thing when I love online business so much?! I talk about my history with...

#21 – Launching my first PAID course!

#21 – Launching my first PAID course!

I had a course-production binge over the last few weeks and actually finished, tested, and low-key launched my productivity course, Beyond Productivity. It feels so good to have a paid evergreen product available! Considering my promotion was VERY minimal, I'm very...